Hey! I'm Starvine and this is my site! I created this place so I can have a little spot to call my home on the big wide world of the web.
I also wanted an area to collect and show off my passions! Feel free to look around and take a peak at my ramblings, you never know what you may find!

[May 22nd, 2022]
Added a gifypet (hi Miku!), a chatbox, and a footer. Currently commissioning my sister to make me a button! She's super cool and I'm so excited to see what she does. Pretty much done with Home page for now, but maybe will come back to pretty it up later. Next I think I want to make the About Me or Diary page. Haven't decided yet lol
[May 18th, 2022]
Finally making some major progress on my home page. Previously it had just been blinkies and stamps, but now I have this little update box (yay!) and autoplaying music. Need to come up with something to put below the updates as well as flesh out my footer, but once that is done I can move on to my "About Me" page! Exciting stuff!